The Interaction Effect of Biographical Fertilizer, Organic Fertilizer and Inorganic Fertilizer on the Growth and Results of Red Onion (Allium ascalonicum L.) in Dry Land
In: Traektoriâ nauki: international electronic scientific journal = Path of science, Band 9, Heft 4, S. 3001-3007
Shallot cultivation in dry land must integrate measures to improve the soil's physical, chemical and biological properties and not rely on using inorganic fertilizers with high enough doses. This study aimed to determine the interaction effect between natural fertilizers with organic fertilizer doses and inorganic fertilizer doses on growth and yielded onion (Allium ascalonicum L.) on dry land. This research was conducted on dry land in Labuhan Lombok Village, Pringgabaya District, East Lombok Regency, NTB, from June to September 2022. The design used is Factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) 3 factors: doses of organic fertilizers, doses of biological fertilizers, and doses of inorganic fertilizers. The quantity of organic fertilizer (O) consists of 2 levels, namely 5 tons/ha (O1) and 10 tons/ha (O2). The biological fertilizer treatment consists of 2 groups: without natural fertilizer (H1) and with biological fertilizer 1 kg/ha biological fertilizer (H2).In comparison, the dose of inorganic fertilizer consists of 3 levels, namely 100% dose (D1), 75% dose (D2) and, 50% dose (D3), 25% dose (D4). Each treatment was combined and added with one control to obtain 17 treatments. Parameters observed included a) Shallot plant growth, including plant height, number of leaves per clump (strand) and number of tillers per clump (saplings); b) Shallot plant yields included wet tuber weight and dry tuber weight. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). For natural treatment factors, a further test would be carried out with Duncan's Double Distance Mean Difference Test with a level of 5%. The interaction of biological fertilizers with doses of organic and inorganic fertilizers increased the growth and yield of shallots in dry land. The use of organic fertilizer doses of 5 t/ha can reduce the dosage of inorganic fertilizers by 50% and, if accompanied by biological fertilizers, can reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers by up to 75% of the recommended dosage.
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