
The impact of gender values on unpaid work in two countries with different welfare traditions: UK and Spain

In: Revista internacional de sociología, Band 78, Heft 2, S. 1-13



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This study aimed to compare the gap between gender role values and domestic practice in the UK and Spain. The data were drawn from a sample of British and Spanish male and female respondents to the International Social Survey Programme's (ISSP) 'Family and Changing Gender Roles' module (2002, 2012) and used to create multivariate mod­els using ordinary least-squares regression techniques. The findings suggest that gender role values impacts domestic practice: more time is devoted to housework by egalitar­ian than non-egalitarian men and less by egalitarian than non-egalitarian women. That effect was not observed for care-giving, however. The impact of gender values on the division by sex of household chores was found to be similar in the UK and Spain. A gradual move to more egalitarian ideals was also observed in both countries over the 10 year period studied.

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