
Todos os homens são maus, mas alguns são bons exemplos: considerações sobre a imitação no pensamento maquiaveliano

In: Griot: Revista de Filosofia, Band 18, Heft 2, S. 14-33

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We intend, in this article, to deal with the issue of imitation in Machiavellian thought. We will take as a goal his postulations about the nature of man, the possibilities of formatting a profitable republic in view of this nature, and the role of the examples of individuals who act for the good of the republic. Since the issue of imitation is the guiding thread, we will still choose a tripod to demonstrate our hypothesis, namely, the anthropological factor; The educational factor; The political factor. By this movement, it is tried to demonstrate that the apparent negativity of the Machiavellian postulations on the human nature does not prevent the promulgation of a stable republic, the good political examples having a preponderant role in this purpose.

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