
L'interet national - facteur déterminant des priorités stratégiques de la République de Moldova

In: Studii Europene, Heft 2, S. 105-121

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The paper highlights two complex issues: the fundamentation of the concept of national interest and the definition of the national interest of the Republic of Moldova. The national interest is an objective-subjective category due to the fact that it encompasses imperishable purposes as well as purposes that are designed by the ruling elite, in accordance with its strategic options. The elaboration of the national interest should be based on the interests of the society and individuals, because the state exists for individuals and not vice versa. The national interest of the Republic of Moldova includes several components, starting with securing and ensuring fundamental rights and freedoms and ending with the realization of the European vocation of the people of Moldova.

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