Book Review : Filsafat Ilmu dan Logika : Dialektika Perubahan (Philosophy of Science and Logic Dialectic of Change)
This book was written based on the question "What and Why is the Philosophy of Science?". Until now, it seems that no one can stop the rapid progress of science. Recent history records science as a form of rational human thought with the results of various scientific disciplines and sub-disciplines. Accompanied by suitable methodological materials and buildings, it is well preserved in libraries or scientific institutions such as universities. The progress of science cannot be separated from every discovery that is useful for the advancement of human life.
The book is perfect for a beginner who wants to study the philosophy of science and wants to know the basics of logic. Very helpful for someone who wants or will study philosophy of science. The content of the discussion that contains the history of philosophical thought to the history of methodology in modern science is beneficial for ordinary people who want to know how to develop science. By studying philosophy of science, we try to look again at a more radical and critical view of the history and development of this book.
The book presents several philosophers in several periods and discusses the essays that have been written. This book contains seven chapters beginning with an introductory discussion of philosophy, several branches of science, the history of the development of philosophy, which has been packaged. In the following chapters, this book discusses the basics of logic, how to present the philosophy of science, to discuss the influence of philosophical thought on modernity.
Reviewing the book entitled "Filsafat Ilmu dan Logika: Dialektika Perubahan (Philosophy of Science and Logic: Dialectics of Change)", the reviewer has several reasons he chose this book. Books are by the provisions and themes given by the philosophy of science lecturers. The purpose of reviewing this book is to provide a brief description based on the author's reading experience of the contents in the book. This paper is addressed to someone who will read this book.
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