Aufsatz(elektronisch)21. Juni 2024

Exploring ORCID adoption and metadata presence in Spain's research landscape

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In the evolving landscape of scientific research, ORCID identifiers are essential for maintaining academic integrity and enhancing research visibility. This study proposes a methodological framework for identifying and analyzing the presence and characteristics of researchers in a specific country in ORCID, using complementary data from OpenAlex to improve results. Our objectives were to develop a reliable method to identify ORCID records of researchers in Spain, study the frequency of profile updates, and investigate the most frequently filled metadata sections and common profile characteristics across disciplines. We identified 190,455 ORCID records of Spanish researchers and found high engagement with some metadata, particularly in the 'Employment' (73%) and 'Publications' (83%) sections. Additionally, 73% of records were actively maintained. The most common metadata combination included 'Works', 'Employment', and 'Education and Qualifications'. However, we noted significant variability and incomplete records across disciplines. The study highlights the need for more complete and frequently updated profiles, improved institutional integration, and strategic efforts to enhance ORCID adoption. These improvements could enhance the reliability of ORCID for tracking researcher mobility and academic trajectories.

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