
The Routledge history of religion and politics in the United States since 1775

In: The Routledge histories

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"Drawing together history and recent historiography, this volume offers a reference work for understanding how religion influenced politics and how politics shaped religion in the United States from the American Revolution through the present day. The book brings together some of the most well-regarded scholars in history, religious studies, American studies, political science, and other disciplines working in this field, providing a groundbreaking transdisciplinary history of this topic. It draws together the major themes and historiographical trends that animate current scholarship, ensuring that readers come away with a thorough picture of the field, how it has evolved, and where future scholars might take us. This unique approach is well suited to students and scholars of both U.S. History and Religious Studies and encourages interdisciplinary analysis for the fields of Religion and Politics"--

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The Routledge history of religion and politics in the United States since 1775

In: The Routledge histories

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The Routledge history of religion and politics in the United States since 1775

In: The Routledge histories

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

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