The Routledge history of religion and politics in the United States since 1775
In: The Routledge histories
Religion and the state / Shelby M. Balik -- Pluralism and secularism / Eric Chalfant -- Capitalism, religion, and politics / Darren E. Grem -- Religion and foreign relations / Cara Lea Burnidge and Lauren Frances Turek -- Material culture, material religion, and politics / Emily Suzanne Clark -- Race, racism, and anti-racism / Matthew J. Smith -- Gender, religion, and politics / Stephanie Y. Mitchem -- Religion and imperial networks / Katherine Carté -- Indigenous politics and religious traditions within the early United States / M. W. Dougherty -- Religion, politics, and geography in British America's northeastern borderlands / Jacqueline Reynoso -- Slavery and religion / Richard J. Boles -- The Barbary wars / Matthew Goetz -- Electoral politics in the new nation / Jacob T. Wood -- Evangelical proliferation and power in the early republic / Ryan G. Tobler -- Gender and republican motherhood / Miriam Liebman -- Mormonism in Antebellum America / Benjamin E. Park -- Religion and abolitionism / Ben Wright and Nathan Jérémie-Brink -- Sectional crisis and denominational schisms / Timothy Wesley -- The omnipotence of Abraham Lincoln / Shannon Bontrager -- "We want rights" : religion, suffrage, race and gender during the Civil War and the Reconstruction / M. Carmen Gómez-Galisteo -- Indigenous revivalism and the Indian wars / Tammy Heise -- Layered histories : anti-semitism, anti-Catholicism, and nativism in the long nineteenth century / Katherine D. Moran -- Industrial capitalism and the gospel of wealth / Daniel Vaca -- Social gospel, Christian socialism, and progressive reform / Aaron Pride -- Old time religious revivalism, technology, and media / Kaitlyn Lindgren-Hansen -- Overseas missionaries, humanitarianism, and U.S. Diplomacy / Emily Conroy-Krutz -- Duty and destiny : religion, the Spanish-American War, and American Empire / Paul T. McCartney -- The second KKK and racial, ethnic, and religious violence / Rodger M. Payne -- Humanitarianism between the World Wars / Hillary Kaell -- World War II / G. Kurt Piehlar -- Anti-communism at home and abroad / Mark Edwards -- Religion and national security in the early Cold War / Michael Graziano -- "Chosen as the leader or spokesperson" : Fannie Lou Hamer as religious leader and intellectual in the Black Freedom Movement / Joseph Stuart -- Cold War feminism and anti-feminism : gender politics and interreligious coalitions / Angela M. Lahr -- LGBTQ+ rights / William Stell -- Culture wars and the Supreme Court during the Cold War / Seth Dowland -- Immigration and Asian American religions / Jane Hong -- Religion, politics, and policymaking in the Reagan years / Michael J. Cangemi -- Latinx religions and American politics : Cold War through Trump presidency / Gerardo Martí, Jonathan Calvillo, and Lloyd D. Barba -- Secularism, nones, and interfaith communities / Kathleen A. Tobin -- Islam, Islamophobia, and American Muslims / Justine Howe -- Clergy sexual abuse / Brian J. Clites -- Conspiracy, disinformation, and media / Hugh B. Urban.