
Media and public attitudes toward migration in Europe: a comparative approach

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This comparative volume provides a comprehensive cross-national account of media coverage and public attitudes toward migration bothwithin and intothe European Union. Using empirical research from across Germany, Hunary, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, Media and Public Attitudes Toward Migration in Europe offers an in-depth exploration of one of the most prominent social and political topics of the decade in Europe. Drawing on a large scale, cross-national panel survey, experiments, and media content analysis of migration discourse in both traditional news media and social media, expert contributors from across the continent investigate topics such as the linguistic features of migration coverage, the public perception of migrants, and the effects of journalistic communication strategies. Other topics addressed include a discussion of news framing effects on migration coverage and politicians' postings on social media coverage about the issue. This is a valuable resource for academics, students, and policymakers interested in media coverage of migration, news framing effects, and public attitudes to migration generally..

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