Mentoring children and young people for social inclusion: global approaches to empowerment
PrefaceCritical autonomy, social capital and mentoring programmes for children and youthÒSCAR PRIETO-FLORES, JORDI FEU, XAVIER CASADEMONT, AND XAVIER ALARCÓNThe importance of being present: Mentors as presence practitionersBERNADINE BRADY AND PAT DOLANThe role of mentoring and service learning in youth's critical consciousness and social change effortsBERNADETTE SÁNCHEZ, BETH CATLETT, LIDIA MONJARAS-GAYTAN, REBECCA MCGARITY-PALMER, AMY J. ANDERSON, C. LYNN LIAO, AND CHRISTOPHER B. KEYSNew approaches to empower youth to recruit mentors in the United StatesSARAH SCHWARTZ, MCKENNA PARNES, LAURA AUSTIN, AND REBECCA BROWNEYouth Initiated Mentoring: Promoting and improving the social networks of youth with complex needs in the NetherlandsLEVI VAN DAM, ELLIS TER BEEK, AND NATASHA KOPERYouth mentoring and multiple social support attunement: Contributions to understand youth social development and well-beingFRANCISCO SIMÕES, MARIA CALHEIROS, AND MADALENA M. ALARCÃOThe methodological issues in the assessment of the quality and benefits of formal youth mentoring interventions -- the case of the Czech Big Brothers Big Sisters/Pět PTEREZA BRUMOVSKÁ AND GABRIELA SEIDLOVÁ MÁLKOVÁConclusions