
Values: How to Bring Values to Life in Your Business



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Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Abstract -- About the Author -- Acknowledgments -- Contents -- 1 What are Values? -- Values are what motivate us -- Values help us to work together -- Values challenge us -- 2 Organising Values -- In search of coherence -- 3 How do Values Play Out in Business? -- One in four new entrepreneurs are values-driven -- Not all values lead to action -- Values that matter -- The business case for shared values -- 4 Co-operatives as a Test-case of Values in Action -- A global set of values -- Do co-operatives use their values? -- 5 Values and Purpose -- Starting with purpose -- 6 Getting Going on Values -- Personal values -- Shared values -- A participative approach to selecting values -- A participative health-check on values -- Bringing values to life -- The values fit -- 7 Five Tools for Values -- 1. How to introduce values: a card game on co-operation -- 2. How to recruit for values -- 3. How to build values in the supply chain -- 4. How to govern for values -- 5. How to measure values -- 8 The Values Checklist -- Appendix: Key Definitions -- Notes and References




Taylor and Francis



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