
High-skilled migration to the United States and its economic consequences

In: National Bureau of Economic Research conference report

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Introduction / Gordon H. Hanson, William R. Kerr, and Sarah Turner -- High-skilled immigration and the comparative advantage of foreign-born workers across U.S.occupations / Gordon H. Hanson and Chen Liu -- The innovation activities of multinational enterprises and the demand for skilled worker, non-immigrant visas / Stephen Ross Yeaple -- Digital labor markets and global talent flows / John Horton, William R. Kerr, and Christopher Stanton -- Understanding the economic impact of the H-1b program on the U.S. / John Bound, Gaurav Khanna, and Nicolas Morales -- High-skilled immigration, stem employment, and non-routine-biased technical change / Nir Jaimovich and Henry E. Siu -- Firm dynamics and immigration: the case of high-skilled immigration / Michael E. Waugh

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