
Comparative Economic Systems



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Cover -- Half Title -- Title -- Copyright -- Dedication -- CONTENTS -- FIGURES -- TABLES -- PREFACE -- PART II SOCIALIST ALTERNATIVES -- 6 THE HUNGARIAN ECONOMY -- 6-1 The Nature of Hungary's Economy and Government -- 6-2 Approach to Planning and Development -- 6-3 The Organization of Agriculture -- 6-4 The Organization of Foreign Trade -- 6-5 Growth and Distribution -- 7 THE CHINESE ECONOMY: STRUCTURE AND TRENDS -- 7-1 Introduction -- 7-2 Nature of Economy and Government -- 7-3 Approach to Planning and Development -- 7-4 Growth and Distribution -- 8 THE CHINESE ECONOMY: SPECIAL TOPICS -- 8-1 The Organization of Agriculture -- 8-2 Foreign Economic Relations -- 8-3 Sino-Soviet Economic Cooperation During the 1950s -- 8-4 Small-Scale Enterprise -- 9 REFORMS IN HUNGARY AND IN CHINA -- 9-1 Introduction: The Transition to a Market Economy -- 9-2 The Reform in Hungary -- 9-3 The Chinese Economy after Mao -- 10 THE YUGOSLAV ECONOMY AND WORKERS' SELF-MANAGEMENT -- 10-1 Introduction: The Nationalities Question and Regional Income Distribution -- 10-2 The Yugoslav Economy and Workers' Self-Management -- 10-3 Financial and Industrial Structure of the Economy -- 11 THE YUGOSLAV ECONOMY: PLANNING, AGRICULTURE, AND FOREIGN TRADE -- 11-1 Approach to Planning and Policy -- 11-2 The Organization of Agriculture -- 11-3 The Organization of Foreign Trade -- 11-4 Concluding Comments on the Yugoslav Economy and Socialism -- INDEX -- ABOUT THE AUTHOR

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Comparative Economic Systems: Transition and Capitalist Alternatives



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Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

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Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft




Taylor and Francis



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