
Breakthroughs in Smart City Implementation

In: River Publishers Series in Communications

In: River Publishers Series in Communications Ser.



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Front Cover -- Half Title Page -- RIVER PUBLISHERS SERIES IN COMMUNICATIONS -- Title Page - Breakthroughs in Smart City Implementation -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Foreword -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- List of Abbreviations -- Chapter 1 - Smart City from Conasense Perspective -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Establishing Conasense Branches in India and in China -- 1.2.1 Conasense Branch India (CBI) -- 1.2.2 Conasense Branch China (CBC) -- 1.3 Conclusions -- References -- Biographies -- Chapter 2 - Construction of Novel Smart City in China -- 2.1 Main Situation of Smart City -- 2.2 From Smart City to Novel Smart City -- 2.3 The Developing Trend of Novel Smart City -- 2.3.1 Internet Enterprises to Participate in the Expansion of New Intelligent City Constructions -- 2.3.2 Government-Enterprise Collaboration for Gradually Replacing Government Investments -- 2.3.3 Big Data Mining Enhance the Novel Smart City Experience -- 2.3.4 Information Security: Strategic Focus in Novel Smart City -- 2.4 China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) Novel Smart City Construction Concept and Development Ideas (1) -- 2.4.1 Construction Concept (1) -- 2.4.2 Construction Concept (2) -- The top-level design as core activity for building an open system architecture (Figure 2.2) -- Two-wheel drive technology and mechanism innovation -- Construction of open cities and support for economic development -- Strengthen the network space safety management -- 2.5 CETC Novel Smart City Construction Concept and Development Ideas (2) -- 2.5.1 The Construction of New Smart City Research Institute (1) -- 2.5.2 The Top DesignWork of the New Smart City -- 2.5.3 Construction of City Operation and Management Center -- 2.6 The Construction of New Smart City Research Institute (2) -- 2.7 Conclusion -- References -- Biographies.

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River Publishers



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