
ICSID Convention after 50 years: unsettled issues

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ICSID Convention after Fifty Years: Unsettled Issues celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the Convention on the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID Convention or Washington Convention) with an overview and analysis of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) case law to date and focusing particularly on unsettled issues, assesses possible developments in the institution's next phase. The ICSID has played a leading role in establishing the field of foreign investment law. It is primarily due to the ICSID that it is no longer peculiar for individuals and corporations to have legal standing in claims against governments probably the most notable development of international law of the past half century. Now, in its fiftieth year and ratified by more than 150 states, the ICSID received its 500th case in 2015 --Source other then Library of Congress

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