
The Palestinian National Movement: Politics of Contention, 1967-2005

In: Indiana Series in Middle East Studies



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Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- PREFACE -- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS -- Introduction -- ONE The Structuraland Historical Context -- TWO From Dissension to Coordination: The PLO Leadership and the National Elite in the Occupied Territories -- THREE Mobilization under Control: The Political Economy of Steadfastness -- FOUR Engineering Compliance: New Modes of Political Entrepreneurship and the Co-optation of Contenders -- FIVE Seizing Structural Opportunities: The Islamist Elite and the Framing of Authenticity Discourse -- SIX The Politics of Symbolic Capital and the Institutionalization of Neopatrimonial Power -- SEVEN The Second Intifada and Its Impact on Elite Structures -- Conclusion -- NOTES -- BIBLIOGRAPHY -- INDEX

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The Palestinian national movement: politics of contention, 1967 - 2005

In: Indiana series in Middle East studies

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