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In: Springer eBook Collection
1 Introduction -- 1.1 Primary and secondary metabolism -- 1.2 Stereochemistry and biosynthesis -- 1.3 Some reactions of general importance in secondary metabolism -- 2 Techniques for biosynthesis -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Isotopic labelling -- 2.3 Enzymes and mutants -- 3 Polyketides -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Formation of poly-?-keto-acyl-CoA's -- 3.3 Tetraketides -- 3.4 Pentaketides -- 3.5 Hexaketides -- 3.6 Heptaketides -- 3.7 Octaketides -- 3.8 Nona- and deca-ketides -- 3.9 Polyketides with mixed origins -- 4 Terpenes and steroids -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Steroids -- 4.3 Pentacyclic triterpenes -- 4.4 Squalene -- 4.5 Monoterpenes -- 4.6 Sesquiterpenes -- 4.7 Diterpenes -- 4.8 Sesterpenes -- 4.9 Carotenoids and vitamin A -- 5 The shikimic acid pathway -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Quinones -- 5.3 Coumarins -- 5.4 Flavonoids -- 6 Alkaloids -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Piperidine and pyrrolidine alkaloids -- 6.3 Isoquinoline and related alkaloids -- 6.4 Amaryllidaceae and mesembrine alkaloids -- 6.5 Quinoline and related alkaloids -- 6.6 Indole alkaloids -- 6.7 Ipecac alkaloids -- 6.8 Miscellaneous alkaloids -- 7 Microbial metabolites containing nitrogen -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Piperidine and pyridine metabolites -- 7.3 Diketopiperazines -- 7.4 Benzodiazepines -- 7.5 Metabolites derived from the tryptophan pathway -- 7.6 Miscellaneous metabolites.
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