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1 The Morphology of Barley; the Vegetative Phase -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 The quiescent barley grain -- 1.3 Changes in the germinating grain -- 1.4 The growth of the stem and leaves -- 1.5 The root system -- 1.6 Plant morphology and lodging -- References -- 2 The Morphology of the Reproductive Parts in Barley -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 The development of the ear -- 2.3 Variations in the form of grains -- 2.4 The ear -- 2.5 Some implications of the wide variety of forms of barley -- References -- 3 The Origin and Classification of Barleys -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Classifications of barleys -- 3.3 The position of barley within the Gramineae -- 3.4 The origin of cultivated barley -- References -- 4 The Biochemistry of Barley -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Carbohydrates -- 4.3 The glycolytic sequence, the pentose phosphate shunt and the tricarboxylic acid cycle -- 4.4 Barley lipids -- 4.5 Photosynthesis and photorespiration -- 4.6 The formation of porphyrins -- 4.7 Phenolic and aromatic substances -- 4.8 Amino acid metabolism -- 4.9 The metabolism of some amines -- 4.10 Nucleic acids, and some other nitrogenous substances -- 4.11 Barley proteins -- References -- 5 Grain Quality and Germination -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Sampling tests with small numbers of grains -- 5.3 Grain evaluation -- 5.4 The penetration of water, and other substances, into grain -- 5.5 Testing for grain germinability -- 5.6 Vigour -- 5.7 Dormancy -- 5.8 The gas exchange of germinating grains -- 5.9 The chemical composition of the quiescent grain -- 5.10 Biochemical changes in germinating grain -- 5.11 Embryo culture in vitro -- 5.12 The mobilization of the endosperm reserves -- References -- 6 The Growth of the Barley Plant -- 6.1 The description of growth -- 6.2 Sequential changes in the growth of the plant -- 6.3 The composition of the growing plant -- 6.4 The composition of the growing grain -- 6.5 Root growth -- 6.6 Water supplies -- 6.7 Water stress -- 6.8 Mineral requirements -- 6.9 The uptake and release of substances by roots -- 6.10 Coleoptile growth and gravity perception -- 6.11 Leaf unrolling and greening -- 6.12 Leaf senescence -- 6.13 Growth regulation -- 6.14 Temperature and growth -- 6.15 Cold hardiness -- 6.16 Vernalization -- 6.17 Some effects of light -- 6.18 Some factors that control yield -- References -- 7 Agricultural Practices and Yield -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Soil preparation -- 7.3 The choice of seed; sowing -- 7.4 Nutrient supply and barley yield -- 7.5 Some chemical treatments -- 7.6 Damaging factors -- 7.7 Water supplies and yield -- 7.8 Barley as forage -- 7.9 Harvesting the grain -- 7.10 Actual and potential yields -- References -- 8 Production and Harvesting Machinery -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 Irrigation and drainage -- 8.3 Tillage -- 8.4 Sowing -- 8.5 Post-sowing treatments -- 8.6 Harvesting and threshing barley -- 8.7 Straw -- 8.8 Harvesting the whole plant -- 8.9 Conclusions -- References -- 9 Weeds, Pests and Diseases in the Growing Crop -- 9.1 Weeds and the need to control them -- 9.2 Weed control -- 9.3 The economics of weed control -- 9.4 Nematode pests -- 9.5 Molluscs -- 9.6 Birds and mammals -- 9.7 Insect and some other pests -- 9.8 Virus diseases of barley -- 9.9 Bacterial diseases -- 9.10 Fungal diseases -- 9.11 Some general considerations -- References -- 10 The Reception and Storage of Whole Plants and Grain. The Micro-organisms and Pests of Stored Grain -- 10.1 Introduction -- 10.2 Barley hay -- 10.3 Straw -- 10.4 Barley silage -- 10.5 Grain reception -- 10.6 Handling grain -- 10.7 Weighers -- 10.8 Cleaning and grading grain -- 10.9 Drying principles -- 10.10 Grain drying in practice -- 10.11 Grain storage facilities -- 10.12 Seed longevity and grain deterioration -- 10.13 Micro-organisms in grain -- 10.14 Insects and mites -- 10.15 The mites of stored grain -- 10.16 Insecticides and fumigants -- 10.17 Rodents and their control -- References -- 11 Barley Genetics -- 11.1 Introduction -- 11.2 The inheritance of 'distinct' factors -- 11.3 Cytology and chromosome behaviour -- 11.4 Chromosomal abnormalities -- 11.5 Ploidy levels -- 11.6 Mutations and mutagenesis -- 11.7 The expression of some mutant and other genes -- 11.8 The genetics of complex characters -- References -- 12 Barley Improvement -- 12.1 Introduction -- 12.2 Plant introductions, and adapted forms -- 12.3 Plant selections -- 12.4 Mutation breeding -- 12.5 Hybridization -- 12.6 Crossing barley -- 12.7 The choice of parents -- 12.8 Selection sequences applied to hybrid progenies -- 12.9 Competition and 'natural selection' in barley -- 12.10 Breeding for quality -- 12.11 Some other objectives in breeding -- 12.12 Breeding for higher yields -- 12.13 The quantitative evaluation of parents -- 12.14 'Hybrid' barley -- 12.15 Trial procedures -- 12.16 The multiplication of seed -- 12.17 Conclusion -- References -- 13 Some Actual and Potential Uses of Barley -- 13.1 Introduction -- 13.2 Barley grain; a source of starch and protein -- 13.3 Minor uses of straw -- 13.4 Straw in building -- 13.5 Animal bedding, litter, farmyard manure and compost -- 13.6 Soil protection, conditioning, or replacement -- 13.7 Some industrial uses of barley -- 13.8 Paper, cardboard and millboard -- References -- 14 Barley for Animal and Human Food -- 14.1 Introduction -- 14.2 The nutritional requirements of animals -- 14.3 Forage and hay -- 14.4 Silage -- 14.5 Barley straw -- 14.6 Barley grain -- 14.7 By-products for animal feed, derived from barley -- 14.8 Non-alcoholic beverages -- 14.9 Other potential feeding stuffs -- 14.10 The technology of preparing grain for food -- 14.11 Future uses of barley as food -- References -- 15 Malting -- 15.1 Introduction -- 15.2 The selection and acceptance of malting barley -- 15.3 Barley handling -- 15.4 Steeping -- 15.5 Germination equipment -- 15.6 Kilns and kilning -- 15.7 Malt analyses -- 15.8 Changes that occur in the malting grain -- References -- 16 Some Uses of Barley Malt -- 16.1 Introduction -- 16.2 Mashing -- 16.3 Some aspects of yeast metabolism -- 16.4 Malt extracts and barley syrups -- 16.5 Brewing beer -- 16.6 Malt vinegar -- 16.7 Distilled 'potable spirits' -- References.

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