Queer Media Images: LGBT Perspectives
Carilli, Theresa; Campbell, Jane; Akita, Kimiko; Besel, Richard D.; Comeforo, Kristin; Drushel, Bruce; Guthrie, Jennifer; Hidahl, Brittani
Carilli, Theresa; Campbell, Jane; Akita, Kimiko; Besel, Richard D.; Comeforo, Kristin; Drushel, Bruce; Guthrie, Jennifer; Hidahl, Brittani; Hladky, Kristel; Kenney, Richard; Kenney, Zoe; Kunkel, Adrianne; Montalbano, Lori; Norwood, Kristen; Schweisberger, Valarie; Silverman, Rachel; Weber, Shannon; Wolf, John; Zingsheim, Jason
Queer Media Images: LGBT Perspectives comprises 15 articles that address how the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered communities are depicted in the media. This collection of articles focuses on how the LGBT community has been silenced or given voice through the media