
Monetary Policy: A Theoretical and Econometric Approach

In: Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics 19



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I: Optimal Monetary Policy and Reaction Function of the Monetary Authorities -- 1. Optimal Monetary Policy and the Revealed Preference Function of the Swiss National Bank -- 2. Optimal Monetary Policies in a Small Open Economy -- II: Credibility and Reputation -- 3. Credibility, Reputation and the Indeterminacy of Macroeconomics -- 4. Policy Credibility and the Lucas Critique — Some New Tests with an Application to Denmark -- III: The Demand for Money -- 5. Dynamics of the Demand for Money and Uncertainty: The US Demand for Money Revisited -- 6. Analysis of the Relationship between Money Stock and Monetary Base: The French Experience during the Period of Quantitative Controls on Credit (1973–1985) -- IV: Causality Analysis and the Effects of Monetary Policy -- 7. Causal Relationships between Money and Income in the Spanish Economy -- 8. Interest Rates and Inflation in Italy during the Seventies -- 9. A Short—Term Disequilibrium Model with Carry—Over, for US Business Loans -- V: Econometric Models of the Financial Markets: Their Use in Assessing the Crowding—Out Effects -- 10. Real and Financial Linkages in the UK Economy -- 11. Crowding—Out, Reagonomics and Monetary Policy.

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