
Red stamps and gold stars: fieldwork dilemmas in upland socialist Asia



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Cover -- Contents -- List of Figures -- Acknowledgments -- Part 1 Heading to the Field -- 1 Dilemmas and Detours: Fieldwork with Ethnic Minorities in Upland Southwest China, Vietnam, and Laos -- 2 Comrades of Minority Policy in China, Vietnam, and Laos -- Part 2 Red Stamps and Gold Stars -- 3 Blunders in the Field: An Ethnographic Situation among the Drung People in Southwest China -- 4 Gifts and Debts: The Morality of Fieldwork in the Wa Lands on the China-Burma Frontier -- 5 The Fun and Games of Taking Children to the Field in Guizhou, China -- 6 Socialist Rules and Postwar Politics: Reflections on Nationality and Fieldwork among the Yao in Northern Vietnam -- 7 Doing Fieldwork and Making Friends in Upland Northern Vietnam: Entanglements of the Professional, Personal, and Political -- 8 The Backstage of Ethnography as Ethnography of the State: Coping with Officials in the Lao People's Democratic Republic -- 9 Marginality in the Margins: Serendipity, Gatekeepers, and Gendered Positionalities in Fieldwork among the Khmu in Northern Laos -- 10 Field Research on the Margins of China and Thailand -- 11 Easier in Exile? Comparative Observations on Doing Research among Tibetans in Lhasa and Dharamsala -- 12 The Silenced Research Assistant Speaks Her Mind -- Part 3 Post-Fieldwork -- 13 Between Engagement and Abuse: Reflections on the "Field" of Anthropology and the Power of Ethnography -- 14 Textual Desert - Emotional Oasis: An Unconventional Confessional Dialogue on Field Experience -- 15 Red Stamps and Gold Stars on the Margins -- Contributors -- Index.

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Red stamps and gold stars: fieldwork dilemmas in upland socialist Asia

In: NIAS studies in Asian topics v. 52

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