The Basics of Cyber Warfare: Understanding the Fundamentals of Cyber Warfare in Theory and Practice
In: The basics
As part of the Syngress Basics series, The Basics of Cyber Warfare provides readers with fundamental knowledge of cyber warfare in both theoretical and practical aspects. This book explores the battlefields, participants and the tools and techniques used during today's digital conflicts. The Basics of Cyber Warfare teaches readers the principles of cyber warfare, including military doctrine, cyber doctrine, and both offensive and defensive tactics and procedures. Readers learn the basics of how to defend against: . Espionage . Hactivism . Insider threats . State-sponsored attacks . Non-state actors such as organized criminals and terrorists The Basics of Cyber Warfare gives readers a concise overview of these threats, and outlines the ethics, laws and consequences of cyber war. This book is designed as an introductory book to give readers insight into the concepts and techniques of cyber warfare. The authors' other title, Cyber Warfare, published by Syngress in 2011, will be mentioned in the Introduction of this book for readers who are interested in diving in to these topics and techniques in more depth. Provides a sound understanding of the tools and tactics used in cyber warfare. Describes both offensive and defensive tactics from an insider's point of view. Presents doctrine and hands-on techniques you need to understand as cyber warfare evolves with technology