Latin American democratic transformations: institutions, actors, and processes
Introduction: Institutions, Actors, and Processes in the Transformation of Latin American Democracy / William C. Smith -- Part I: Debates on Democracy and Performance -- Liberal and Illiberal Democracy in Latin America / Peter H. Smith and Melissa R. Ziegler -- Neoliberalism and Democracy in Latin America: A Mixed Record / Kurt Weyland -- The Uneven Performance of Third Wave Democracies: Electoral Politics and the Imperfect Rule of Law in Latin America / Joe Foweraker and Roman Krznaric -- Part II: Institutions and the Travails of Competitive Politics -- The Reelection Debate in Latin America / John M. Carey -- Decentralization's Nondemocratic Roots: Authoritarianism and Subnational Reform tn Latin America / Kent Eaton -- Institutional Change and Ethnic Parties in South America / Donna Lee Van Cott -- Expanding Accountability Through Participatory Institutions: Mayors, Citizens, and Budgeting in Three Brazilian Municipalities / Brian Wampler -- "For a Few Senators More"? Negotiating Constitutional Cbanges During Chile's Transition to Democracy / Fredrik Uggla -- Judicial Reform as Insurance Policy: Mexico in the 1990s / Jodi S. Finkel -- Part III: Actors, Participation, and Mass Politics -- Indigenous Parties and Democracy in Latin America / Raul L. Madrid -- Defining Rights in Democratization: The Argentine Government and Human Rights Organizations, 1983-2003 / Michelle D. Bonner -- Sources of Mass Partisanship in Brazil / David Samuels -- Brazil's Agrarian Reform: Democratic Innovation or Oligarchic Exclusion Redux? / Anthony W. Pereira -- The Indian Movement and Political Democracy in Ecuador / Leon Zamosc -- Local Democracy and the Transformation of Popular Participation in Chile / Paul W. Posner -- Part IV Challenges of Unstructured Political Mobilization -- Indictments, Myths, and Citizen Mobilization in Argentina: A Discourse Analysis / Ariel C. Armony and Victor Armony -- Democracy Without Parties? Political Parties and Regime Change in Fujimori's Peru / Steven Levitsky and Maxwell A. Cameron -- Social Correlates of Party System Demise and Populist Resurgence in Venezuela / Kenneth M. Roberts
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