China, Japan and regional leadership in East Asia
In: Edward Elgar E-Book Archive
This book considers themes, evidence and ideas relating to the prospects for regional leadership in East Asia, with particular reference to China and Japan assuming 'regional leader actor' roles. Key issues discussed by the list of distinguished contributors include: the extent to which there is an East Asian region to lead, China-Japan relations, different aspects of Japan and China's positions in the East Asia region, how the seemingly inexorable rise of China is being addressed within the region, how China and Japan have explored paths of regional leadership through certain regional and multilateral organisations and frameworks, the position of certain 'intermediary powers' (i.e. the United States and Korea) with regards to regional leadership diplomacy in East Asia. Invaluably, the concluding chapter brings together the main findings of the book and presents new analytical approaches for studying the nature of, and prospects for leadership in East Asia