
Recycling the city: the use and reuse of urban land

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Vacant land as opportunity and challenge / Michael A. Pagano and Ann O'M. Bowman -- Western European vacant land / Barry Wood -- The economics of vacant land / Alan W. Evans -- Turning brownfields into community assets / Lavea Brachman -- Is contamination the barrier to inner-city industrial revitalization? / Marie Howland -- Survey of state-level polices to address urban vacant land and property reuse / Nancey Green Leigh -- Environmental devolution and local capacity / Sarah S. Gardner -- The role of community development corporations in brownfield redevelopment / Margaret Dewar and Sabina Deitrick -- Farming inside cities through entrepreneurial urban agriculture / Jerome Kaufman and Martin Bailkey -- Creative brownfield redevelopment / Klaus R. Kunzmann -- Once upon a brownfield / William Shutkin

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