
The Blackwell companion to social movements

In: Blackwell companions to sociology

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Introduction. Mapping the terrain / David A. Snow, Sarah A. Soule, and Hanspeter Kriesi -- Facilitative contexts and conditions. Protest in time and space : the evolution of waves of contention / Ruud Koopmans ; The strange career of strain and breakdown theories of collective action / Steven M. Buechler ; Political context and opportunity / Hanspeter Kriesi ; The cultural contexts of collective action : constraints, opportunities, and the symbolic life of social movements / Rhys H. Williams ; Resources and social movement mobilization / Bob Edwards and John D. McCarthy -- Field of action and dynamics. Beyond the iron law : rethinking the place of organizations in social movement research / Elisabeth S. Clemens and Debra C. Minkoff ; Leadership in social movements / Aldon D. Morris and Suzanne Staggenborg ; Movement allies, adversaries, and third parties / Dieter Rucht ; Policing social protest / Donatella della Porta and Olivier Fillieule ; Bystanders, public opinion, and the media / William A. Gamson ; "Get up, stand up" : tactical repertoires of social movements / Verta Taylor and Nella Van Dyke ; Diffusion processes within and across movements / Sarah A. Soule ; Transnational processes and movements / Jackie Smith -- Microstructural and social-psychological dimensions. Networks and participation / Mario Diani ; The demand and supply of participation : social-psychological correlates of participation in social movements / Bert Klandermans ; Framing processes, ideology, and discursive fields / David A. Snow ; Emotional dimensions of social movements / Jeff Goodwin, James M. Jasper, and Francesca Polletta ; Collective identity, solidarity, and commitment / Scott A. Hunt and Robert D. Benford -- Consequences and outcomes. The legislative, organizational, and beneficiary consequences of state-oriented challengers / Edwin Amenta and Neal Caren ; Personal and biographical consequences / Marco G. Giugni ; The cultural consequences of social movements / Jennifer Earl ; The consequences of social movements for each other / Nancy Whittier -- Major social movements. The labor movement in motion / Rick Fantasia and Judith Stepan-Norris ; Feminism and the women's movement : a global perspective / Myra Marx Ferree and Carol McClurg Mueller ; Environmental movements / Christopher Rootes ; Antiwar and peace movements / Sam Marullo and David S. Meyer ; Ethnic and nationalist social movements / Susan Olzak ; Religious movements / Fred Kniss and Gene Burns

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The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements

In: Blackwell companions to sociology



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World Affairs Online

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The Blackwell companion to social movements

In: Blackwell companions to sociology



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Blackwell Publ.


9780631226697, 0631226699


XVII, 754 S.

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