Regulating lives: historical essays on the state, society, the individual, and the law
In: Law and society series
Machine generated contents note: 1 'A Strange Revolution in the Manners of the Country': Aboriginal-Settler Intermarriage in Nineteenth-Century British Columbia / 23 -- Jay Nelson -- 2 Control of the Insane in British Columbia, 1849-78: Care, Cure, or Confinement? / 63 -- Gerry Ferguson -- 3 Racializing Prohibitions: Alcohol Laws and Racial/ Ethnic Minorities in British Columbia, 1871-1927 / 97 -- Mimi Ajzenstadt -- 4 Secrets and Lies: The Criminalization of Incest and the (Re)Formation of the 'Private' in British Columbia, 1890-1940 / 120 -- Dorothy E. Chunn -- 5 'Charity Is One Thing and the Administration of Justice Is Another': Law and the Politics of Familial Regulation in Early Twentieth-Century British Columbia / 145 -- Robert Adamoski -- 6 Regulating the 'Respectable' Classes: Venereal Disease, Gender, and Public Health Initiatives in Canada, 1914-35 / 170 -- Renisa Mawani -- 7 Race, Reason, and Regulation: British Columbia's Mass Exile of Chinese 'Lunatics' aboard the Empress of Russia, 9 February 1935 / 196 -- Robert Menzies -- 8 The Politics of Naming: Constructing Prostitutes and Regulating Women in Vancouver, 1939-45 / 231 -- Michaela Freund -- 9 The State, Child Snatching, and the Law: The Seizure and Indoctrination of Sons of Freedom Children in British Columbia, 1950-60 / 259 -- John McLaren -- Postlude / 294 -- John McLaren, Robert Menzies, and Dorothy E. Chunn -- Contributors / 309 -- Index / 311
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