Buch(gedruckt) World Affairs Online2000

Violence and subjectivity

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Violence-prone area or international transition? adding the role of outsiders in Balkan violence / Susan L. Woodward -- Violence and vision: the prosthetics and aesthetics of terror / Allen Feldman -- Circumcision, body, masculinity: the ritual wound and collective violence / Deepak Mehta -- Teach me how to be a man: an exploration of the definition of masculinity / Mamphela Ramphele -- On not becoming a "terrorist": problems of memory, agency, and community in Sri Lankan conflict / Jonathan Spencer -- The ground of all making: state violence, the family, and political activists / Pamela Reynolds -- Violence, suffering, Amman: the work of oracles in Sri Lanka's eastern war zone / Patricia Lawrence -- The act of witnessing: violence, poisonous knowledge, and subjectivity / Veena Das -- The violences of everyday life: the multiple forms and dynamics of social violence / Arthur Kleinman -- Body and space in a time of crisis: sterilization and resettlement during the emergency in Delhi / Emma Tarlo -- The quest for human organs and the violence of zeal / Margaret Lock -- Mayan multiculturalism and the violence of memories / Kay B. Warren -- Reconciliation and memory in postwar Nigeria / Murray Last -- Mood, moment, and mind / E. Valentine Daniel

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