The development of romantic relationships in adolescence
In: Cambridge studies in social and emotional development
Missing the love boat : why researchers have shied away from adolescent romance / B. Bradford Brown, Candice Feiring, and Wyndol Furman -- The emotions of romantic relationships : do they wreak havoc on adolescents? / Reed W. Larson, Gerlad L. Clore, and Gretchen A. Wood -- The nature and functions of social exchange in adolescent romantic relationships / Brett Laursen and Lauri A. Jensen-Campbell -- Cognitive representations of adolescent romantic relationships / Wyndol Furman and Valerie A. Simon -- Romantic and sexual relationship development during adolescence / Brent C. Miller and Brad Benson -- Capacity for intimate relationships : a developmental construction / W. Andrew Collins and L. Alan Sroufe -- Rejection sensitivity and adolescent romantic relationships / Geraldine Downey, Cheryl Bonica, and Claudia Rincón -- Sex, dating, passionate friendships, and romance : intimate peer relations among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adolescents / Lisa M. Diamond, Ritch C. Savin-Williams, and Eric M. Dubé -- Gender identity and the development of romantic relationships in adolescence / Candice Feiring -- Adolescent romance and the parent-child relationship : a contextual perspective / Marjory Roberts Gray and Laurence Steinberg --Romantic relationships in adolescence : the role of friends and peers in their emergence and development / Jennifer Connolly and Adele Goldberg -- "You're going out with who?" : peer group influences on adolescent romantic relationships / B. Bradford Brown -- The cultured and culturing aspects of romantic experience in adolescence / Deborah L. Coates -- What's love got to do with it? Adolescents' and young adults' beliefs about sexual and romantic relationships / Julia A. Graber, Pia R. Britto, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn -- Love is a many-splendored thing : next steps for theory and research / Wyndol Furman, Candice Feiring, and B. Bradford Brown.