
Sharî'a: Theory, Practice, Transformations



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Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Preface and acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Part I: The pre-modern tradition -- 1 The formative period -- 2 Legal theory: epistemology, language and legal reasoning -- 3 Legal education and the politics of law -- 4 Law and society -- 5 The Circle of Justice and later dynasties -- Part II: The law: an outline -- 6 The legal pillars of religion -- 7 Contracts and other obligations -- 8 Family law and succession -- 9 Property and ownership -- 10 Offenses -- 11 Jihad -- 12 Courts of justice, suits and evidence -- Part III: The sweep of modernity -- 13 The conceptual framework: an introduction -- 14 The jural colonization of India and South-East Asia -- 15 Hegemonic modernity: the Middle East and North Africa during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries -- 16 Modernizing the law in the age of nation-states -- 17 In search of a legal methodology -- 18 Repercussions: concluding notes -- Appendix A: Contents of substantive legal works -- Appendix B: Chronology -- Bibliography -- Index -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- K -- L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- Q -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- Y -- Z.

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Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Sharīʿa: theory, practice, transformations



Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Sharī'a: theory, practice, transformations

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Shariʿa: theory, practice, transformations

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

World Affairs Online




Cambridge University Press



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