
Feminist Theory: Two Conversations



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Chapter 1: Editor's Introduction -- Chapter 2: The Poetics of Failure in Simone de Beauvoir's Les bouches inutiles., - Chapter 3: On ne naıˆt pas femme: On le devient: The life of a sentence -- Chapter 4: The ''Agonistic Turn'': Political Theory and the Displacement of Politics in New Contexts -- Chapter 5: A feminist theory of refusal -- Chapter 6: Toni Morrison and political theory -- Chapter 7: New forms of revolt: Essays on Kristeva's intimate politics -- Chapter 8: Wayward lives, beautiful experiments:Intimate histories of social upheaval -- Chapter 9: Agonistic mourning: Political dissidence and the Women in Black -- Chapter 10: The politics and gender of truth-telling in Foucault's lectures on parrhesia -- Chapter 11: Sex wars, SlutWalks, and carceral feminism -- Chapter 12: Feminist afterlives: The defenses and dead ends of revisionist history -- Chapter 13: Feminist sexual futures -- Chapter 14: Les Aveux de la chair. Vol. 4 of L'Histoire de la sexualite -- Chapter 15 The right to sex -- Chapter 16: Lauren Berlant's legacy in contemporary political theory -- Chapter 17: Queer Terror: Life, death, and desire in the settler colony -- Chapter 18: Living a feminist life -- Chapter 19: Ecology, labor, politics: Violence in Arendt's Vita Activa -- Chapter 20: Epilogue.




Springer Nature Switzerland



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