
From vision to action: remaking the world through social entrepreneurship



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"Social entrepreneurs are people who launch ventures that they believe will promote positive change - locally, nationally, and/or globally. Their bottom line is not financial profit; rather, it is a commitment to improving the human condition. To this end, when seeking to change status quos that may benefit certain parties involved to the detriment of others, or exist because "that's the way things are," negotiation and the ability to resolve conflicts are essential skills Drawing on the author's NGO career leading Search for Common Ground, from using children's television to mitigate ethnic tensions in Macedonia to promoting mediation for conflict resolution in Morocco, this book will provide readers with an on-the-ground perspective on being a social entrepreneur. Readers will learn useful principles -- such as adapting to unexpected impasses or outcomes, communicating effective models and stories, and being transformationally incremental -- so that they can negotiate, resolve conflicts, and solve problems to successfully bring change."

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From vision to action: remaking the world through social entrepreneurship

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft




Columbia University Press



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