
Multifaceted Development: A Bangladesh Case Study



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Intro -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Notes on Contributors -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- 1 Multifaceted Development and Bangladesh: Of 'Forest', 'Tree', and 'Leaf' Interpretations -- Introduction: From Top-Down to Bottom-Up 'Developmental' Appraisals -- Emerging 'Development' Dynamics -- Interpreting the 'Development' Literatures -- 'Leaf' Territory -- Carving 'Big Pictures' from Ground-Level Realities: From 'Leaf' to the 'Forest' -- 'Non-western' in 'Western' Clothes -- Bangladesh's Multifaceted Development Appraisal: Empirical Context -- Notes -- Bibliography -- 2 Comparing Secular and Religious Primary Education: Bangladesh's Marriage of Convenience? -- Introduction -- Bangladesh's Education Structure -- Present Condition of Education -- Formal Education -- Non-formal Education -- Technical Education -- Methodology -- Primary Education in Bangladesh -- Numeric Analysis -- Primary Education and Types of Primary School -- Number of Primary Schools -- Number of Students in Primary Schools -- Number of Teachers in Primary Schools -- Student-Teacher Ratio: Classroom Type, Size -- Special Education -- Rate of School Admission -- Rate of Primary Education Dropouts -- School Management -- Discussion -- Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- 3 Evolving English Pedagogy and 'Second-Best' Outcomes: Bangladesh's Pre-university Experiences -- Introduction -- Purpose of the Study -- CLT Approach and Its Features -- Definition of Some Relevant Terms -- Activities of Text and Testing -- Introduction of the CLT Approaches and EFT Textbook in Bangladesh -- Methods -- Survey Instrument -- Data Collection Procedure -- Findings -- Data Collected from Book Analysis and Marks Distribution for Both the Texts -- EFT Text 2015 and EFT Text 2001: Objectives and Approaches -- Findings from Teachers' FGD Session -- Discussions -- Conclusions -- Recommendations.




Palgrave Macmillan



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