
From Social Visibility to Political Invisibility: The School in Nationalist Taiwan As Fulcrum for an Evolving World Ethos



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Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- 1 Ethnography as Cultural Geography -- References -- 2 The Spaces of Nationalist Culture in Taiwan -- Ideological Discourse and Cultural Identity in "Nationalist" Taiwan -- "The Three Principles" as Unifying Discourse (Sanminzhuyi Tongyi Zhongguo) -- "The New Life Movement" in the State's Project of Moral Regulation -- Family, School and Militarization in "The Making of Moral Persons" -- Notes -- References -- 3 Education and the Sociology of the Normal -- The Schooling of Society: Pedagogy in the Disciplinary Order of Things -- Three Principles Ideology as Educational Policy and Theoretical Discourse -- Nationalist Education as Ontological Process and Political Socialization -- Textbook Narrative as Socially Symbolic Act in the Construction of "History" -- Notes -- References -- 4 School Routines in Time and Space -- Chinese Modern: Form, Hierarchy and Containment as Spatial Governance -- The Curricular Calendar: Temporal Rhythms and Social Structuration -- Everyday Etiquette as Modality of Acculturation -- Socializing Routines in the Conduct of Life Histories -- Notes -- References -- 5 Socialization in the Longer View -- Everyday Administration in the Vertical Integration of Institutional Power -- The Disciplinary Production of Activities, Texts and Behaviors -- The School as a Node of Societal Education -- "Moral Training": Institutional Extensions in the Crafting of Citizens -- Notes -- References -- 6 Nationalist Ideology in the Politics of Normalization -- Indigenization, Multiculturalism and the "New" Nationalism -- "Knowing Taiwan" in the Global Ecumene -- The Civilizing Process as a Mode of Cultural Colonialism -- Learning to De-School: A Post-National Resistance -- Notes -- References -- 7 Anthropology as Writing Power -- Societal Totalities as Fictive Moment in the Normalization of Theory.




Palgrave Macmillan



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