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With the proportion of people between young adulthood and the third age growing in relation to children and young people in western industrialised societies, there is an increasing need for a comprehensive look at the past, present and future of adult lives. These adult lives are defined by the experience of history, are structurally specific, and draw upon different interpersonal, lifestyle and cultural resources and it is important to recognise the impact of the past and the present on future adult lives. 'Adult Lives', co-published by The Policy Press and the Open University, is a diverse collection of readings, rich in resources, from all stages of life. These readings contribute to a shared life course perspective to understand how those living and working together in an ageing society relate to each other. The originality and appeal of this Reader lies in its holistic approach to understanding ageing in adulthood through biography and auto-biography that is applicable to all, including those developing policy and in practice, and will make essential reading for those who wishing to contextualise ageing, understand how lives can be transformed through policy and practice, and consider the lived experience
As the demographics of many Western industrialized societies are approaching the point where they will have more older citizens than young, there is a growing need for a comprehensive look at the past, present, and future of adult lives. This diverse collection of readings--including both seminal works and newly commissioned ones--takes an holistic approach to understanding aging, drawing on biography and autobiography to contextualize the process. This life course perspective will lead readers to a better understanding of how those working and living together in an aging society can interrelate
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