
Generation Y: Generation Snowflake?



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Cover -- Front Matter -- Title Page -- Contents -- Chapter 1 -- Introduction -- Chapter 2 -- 30-Year-Old Child - Delayed Adulthood -- Chapter 3 -- For the Sake of Ourselves - Selfishness as a Trend -- Chapter 4 -- Work Is Your Life - Not Ours -- Chapter 5 -- Overdrawn - Consumption at any Cost -- Chapter 6 -- Let's Have Fun - Entertainment as Purpose -- Chapter 7 -- Always Online - Digital Natives -- Chapter 8 -- Bands of Brothers and Sisters - Friendship in an Age of Alienation -- Chapter 9 -- Youngsters in Pink - Flexible Femininity and Masculinity -- Chapter 10 -- Sleeping Crosswise - Singlehood as a Way of Life -- Chapter 11 -- Dating Around - Meeting Places and Dating Markets -- Chapter 12 -- Happily Ever After, For Now - The New Relationships -- Chapter 13 -- Helpless Parenting - Millennials Raising Kids -- Chapter 14 -- It's Too Long - Learning in the Age of Google -- Chapter 15 -- Who Needs Politics? - Escapism as a Worldview -- Chapter 16 -- Now What? - Intermediate Conclusions.




Vallentine Mitchell Publishers



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