Liberal constitutionalism and its contemporary challenges
In: AMINTAPHIL: The Philosophical Foundations of Law and Justice volume 12
Introduction -- Part I -- Is the American Form of Government a Democracy? Signs of Systemic Oligarchy in Direct and Representative Democracy -- Truth Matters: Factual Accuracy, Theoretic Rationality, and the Legitimacy of Political Decision-Making -- Learning How to Read: Legal Hermeneutics -- Deference without Virtue: A Concern for Common Good Constitutionalism -- Dworkinian Protestantism, Civil Disobedience, and Democratic Citizenship -- Constructive Interpretation, Democracy, and the Protestant Attitude -- Part II -- Structural Injustices in the Educational System, Inequality, and its Effects on Democracy -- The Black Scare -- Representative Democracy, the Right to Vote and the Weighting of Votes -- The Importance of Condorcet Consistency in Preserving Democracy -- Comprehensive Pluralism, Liberalism, and Religious Liberty.