
Advancing REACH: consultation procedures : final report

In: Texte 2021, 100

In: Ressortforschungsplan of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety



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This report is provided in the scope of the project "Advancing REACH", funded by the research plan of the German Ministry for the Environment. The project aims to develop options to improve the (implementation of) the REACH regulation by analysing various REACH processes and related issues, including substitution, sustainable chemistry, precautionary principle, articles, cost-benefit analyses, socio-economic analyses and financing ECHA. In this sub-project, the consultation procedures foreseen under REACH were analysed with regard to their effectiveness, efficiency and transparency. In addition, the "Call for Evidence" preceding some of ECHA's restriction proposals and the consultations supporting an RMOA were assessed. Overall, the consultations are considered as helpful instruments to collect information. However, in particular the data on alternatives gathered through consultations is not sufficient and additional measures may be needed to collect sufficient information.





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