Advancing REACH: strengthening control of emerging risk : final report
In: Texte 2021, 132
In: Ressortforschungsplan of the Federal Ministry for the Enviroment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
This report is provided in the scope of the project "Advancing REACH", funded by the research plan of the German Ministry for the Environment. The project aims to develop options to improve the (implementation of) the REACH regulation by analysing various REACH processes and related issues, including substitution, sustainable chemistry, articles, cost-benefit analyses, socio-economic analyses and financing ECHA. In October 2020, the European Commission launched the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability that calls to counter emerging risk with preventive action. Against this backdrop, the report aims to place this strategy in the context of the debate on the precautionary principle in the EU and to derive policy options to advance REACH. The report assesses the general coverage of emerging risk under REACH. To the extent that emerging risk falls into the scope of REACH, it assesses in how far the regulation operationalises the concept of emerging risk with legal instruments and, if relevant, evaluates the practical implementation of such instruments. Based on the findings, it develops policy options responding to the identified deficits in order to advance REACH. The aim of the policy options is to strengthen control of emerging risk under REACH. They are addressing deficits in the provisions of REACH de lege lata. These deficits impede the willingness of actors in industry and authorities and limit them of the framework conditions required to tackle emerging risk. The options at least partially address the identified shortcomings. An overall perspective shows that the foreseeable benefits of the options would outweigh the identified disadvantages.
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