
Offshore wind licensing

In: Elgar energy law and practice

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"This incisive book provides a timely and magisterial analysis of offshore wind licensing processes and their regulation from a global perspective. It not only explores the concept of licensing and the governance frameworks and backgrounds in which licensing rules are developed, but also looks at the crucial legal challenges facing the licensing of offshore wind farms that regulators, legislatures, operators, and legal practitioners are likely to encounter. Interdisciplinary in scope, the book provides an extensive analysis of the authorisation processes for wind parks at sea in multiple prominent jurisdictions. In addition, expert contributors representing an array of diverse perspectives examine key themes such as technology, meteorology, and environmental and maritime planning issues, and consider the pivotal role of wind farms in today's rapidly evolving energy transition landscape. Key Features: Identifies legislative challenges and current regulatory gaps. Cutting-edge insights into the latest policy and regulatory trends. Authoritative commentary on established and emerging offshore wind jurisdictions. Highlights the crucial role of licensing frameworks in the expansion of offshore wind projects. With its practical focus, Offshore Wind Licensing will be a beneficial read for legal practitioners, academics, and policymakers seeking to understand renewable energy regulation and the authorisation process for generating offshore renewable electricity. Regulators and legislatures in countries with no offshore wind activity will similarly find this to be an indispensable resource"-- back cover

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