
Money and Thoughtlessness: A Genealogy and Defense of the Traditional Suspicions of Money and Merchants



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Intro -- Contents -- Chapter 1: Introduction -- Chapter 2: Money, Myths, and Thoughtlessness -- A Note About Anti-Semitism -- The First Debate: The Nature of Money and the Myth of Barter -- The Second Debate: The Cult of Neoliberalism and Economism -- Thoughtless Cognition -- Hyper-complex Abstract Systems and Thoughtless Cognition -- Money and Thoughtlessness -- Chapter 3: The Neolithic Revolution: From Social Currencies to Debt -- Money in the Pre-Axial Age -- Hunter-Gatherers -- The Neolithic Revolution: Agriculture and "Civilization" -- Sacrifice, Hierarchy, and Cosmic Imbalance -- "Primitive" Money -- Chapter 4: The Axial Age -- The Axial Age -- The Axial Age and Money -- The Suspicion of Money and Merchants -- Protean Money, Protean People -- The Axial Age, the Denunciation of Wealth, and the Praise of Poverty -- Robbing the Common World -- Ambiguities and Aporias of Money and Abstract Thought -- Conclusions -- Chapter 5: Animist Ontologies, Abstraction, and Slavery -- The Moral Limits of Markets in Contemporary Thought -- Anthropocentrism, Quantification, Abstraction -- Power in the Living Cosmos: Native American Ontology -- Animist Ontologies: Kinship with the Living Cosmos -- The Force of Things -- The Modern Ontology of Death -- Slavery, Abstraction, Disenchantment -- Initial Conclusions -- Chapter 6: Mastering Money: Usury, Governance and Science in Medieval Europe -- The Theological Power of Money and Christian Empire -- Mastering Money -- Money, Quantification, Proto-Science -- The Colonizing Empire of Homo Economicus -- Chapter 7: The Modern Attacks on the Traditional Suspicions of Money and Merchants -- Political Arguments Against the Traditional Suspicions of Money and Merchants -- Religious Arguments Against the Traditional Suspicions of Money and Merchants.

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Money and Thoughtlessness: A Genealogy and Defense of the Traditional Suspicions of Money and Merchants



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Springer International Publishing AG



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