The Essential Un
Cover -- Book Title -- Copyright -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Chapter 1. An introduction to the United Nations -- Quick facts about the United Nations -- History -- The idea of a peaceful world community -- The League of Nations -- Creation of the United Nations -- What is the United Nations? -- A forum for countries, not a world government -- Guiding principles of the United Nations -- Emblem -- Flag -- Structure of the Organization -- United Nations Headquarters -- Membership and budget -- Good value for money -- Becoming a Member State of the United Nations -- Permanent Observer States -- Official languages -- Chapter 2. The United Nations family -- Quick facts about the United Nations family -- Principal organs of the United Nations -- General Assembly -- Security Council -- Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) -- Trusteeship Council -- International Court of Justice -- Secretariat -- The United Nations: a family of specialized entities -- Agencies -- Funds and programmes -- Research and training institutes -- Other entities -- Related organizations -- Messengers of Peace and Goodwill Ambassadors -- Chapter 3. Economic and social development -- Quick facts on economic and social development -- Development: a priority for the United Nations -- Poverty and development -- Globalization -- United Nations action -- Sustainable Development Goals -- The 17 goals -- Development for today and tomorrow -- Sustainable development -- Linking environment and development -- Chapter 4. international peace and security -- Quick facts on international peace and security -- Poverty causes conflict, which results in poverty -- How do we break the cycle? -- Local consequences of a conflict -- The cost of conflict is felt throughout a region -- The United Nations: created to keep peace -- Preventing conflict -- Other accomplishments.