
Carl Benn's Stories of Canada's Past 2-Book Bundle

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Military historian Carl Benn explores the rich history of our nation with two absorbing stories of bravery in this special two-book bundle. Mohawks on the Nile: Natives Among the Canadian Voyageurs in Egypt, 1884-1885 Mohawks on the Nile explores the absorbing history of sixty Aboriginal men who left their occupations in the Ottawa River timber industry to participate in a military expedition on the Nile River in 1884-1885. Chosen becuase of their outstanding skills as boatmen and river pilots, they formed part of the Canadian Voyageur Contingent, which transported British troops on a fleet of whaleboats through the Nile's treacherous cataracts in the hard campaigning of the Sudan War. Historic Fort York, 1793-1993 Fearing an American invasion of Upper Canada, John Graves Simcoe had Fort York built in 1793 as an emergency defensive measure. That act became the first step in the founding of modern Toronto. In this book, Carl Benn explores the dramatic roles Fort York played in the frontier war of the 1790s, the birth of Toronto, the War of 1812, the Rebellion of 1837 and the defence of Canada during the American Civil War, and describes how Toronto's most important heritage site came to be preserved as a tangible link to Canada's turbulent military past







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