
Converged Radio, Youth and Urbanity in Africa: Emerging Trends and Perspectives



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Intro -- Foreword -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Notes on Contributors -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- Chapter 1: Radio Convergence and Youth: An Overview on African Perspectives -- Introduction -- The Youth Factor in African Converged Radio -- History of Broadcasting in Africa -- Mapping Digitisation in Africa -- The Structure of This Book -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 2: Converged Radio, Youth, and Participatory Politics in Harare, Zimbabwe -- Introduction -- Brief Description of Power FM, Star FM, and ZiFM Stereo -- Theorising Converged Radio and Youth Political Participation in Zimbabwe -- Unpacking Converged Radio, Youth, and Participatory Politics -- The Intersection of Converged Radio, Youth, and Participatory Politics -- Methodology -- Findings and Discussion -- 'The Gadget Is the Media': Devices Used to Listen to Radio -- 'Agents of Change': Convergence Radio, Youth, and Participatory Politics -- 'It's Elite-Centric': Challenges Associated with Convergence Radio and Youth Political Participation -- Conclusion and Recommendations -- References -- Chapter 3: An Alternative Arena for "Communities of Resistance"? Podcasting, Democratic Spaces, and Counterpublics in Zimbabwe -- Introduction -- Podcasting and Its Democratic Potential -- Youth, Social Media and Participatory Politics -- Theory -- Methodology -- Findings -- Podcasting as a Counterhegemonic Space -- Podcasting as a Tool for Enhancing Youth's and Women's Participation -- On Technical Issues and Trainings -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 4: 'Mobile Radio' and Youth Identity Formation on the Streets of Harare -- Introduction -- Mobile Radio, Identity and Self-management -- Mobile Radio and the Creation of the 'Digital Cyborg' -- Methods -- Findings -- Experiencing a 'New Kind of Radio': Mobile Radio and Disaggregation of Audiences.

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Converged Radio, Youth and Urbanity in Africa: Emerging trends and perspectives



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