
A guide to key theories for human resource management research

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This authoritative guide provides 41 summaries of important theories used for research in human resource management (HRM). Each entry clearly defines a theory, provides insight into the development of the theory, demonstrates the application of the theory to HRM, and discusses areas where the theory could be applied in future research projects. This authoritative Guide provides 41 summaries of important theories used for research in human resource management (HRM). Each entry clearly defines a theory, provides insight into the development of the theory, demonstrates the application of the theory to HRM, and discusses areas where the theory could be applied in future research projects. The two introductory chapters overview HRM in relation to theory, and explain the importance of theory in research and issues to consider when using theory.In particular, the book offers:A concise summary of the origins of HRMA clear explanation of what is and what is not theoryDetailed suggestions for selecting and using theories for future research projectsAccessible summaries of theories used for HRM researchApplication of theories from various disciplines to HRMA Guide to Key Theories for Human Resource Management Research will be essential and reassuring reading for Master's students and PhD candidates researching HRM. It will also benefit early career researchers and more established researchers seeking insight into more recently developed theories

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