Buch(gedruckt) World Affairs Online2023

Handbook of Middle East politics

In: Elgar handbooks in political science

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This Handbook uses a comprehensive study of political institutions, social movements and external pressures to offer nuanced study of politics in the Middle East. Foremost scholars on the Middle East examine key themes such as political change, regional rivalry and authoritarianism, making this collection very timely and relevant as an authoritative source. Throughout history, the Middle East has been subject to high levels of political upheaval, revolutions, interstate and intrastate conflict and population dislocation. Charting the ongoing disruptions to authoritarianism in the Middle East, chapters consider the internal logic of the divide between state and society, the continued disregard for societal needs, and the suppression of legitimate grievances, all of which would indicate further and future upheavals. The Handbook engages with questions of political legitimacy and popular aspirations, energy and environmental security, foreign power interests and political ideologies to present a well-rounded picture of a dynamic region.

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Handbook of Middle East politics

In: Elgar handbooks in political science



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