
Invisible generals: rediscovering family legacy, and a quest to honor America's first Black generals

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"In Invisible Generals, Melville shares his quest to rediscover his family's story across five generations, from post-Civil War America to modern day Asia and Europe. In life, the Davises were denied the recognition and compensation they'd earned, but through his journey, Melville uncovers something greater: that dedication and self-sacrifice can move proverbial mountains-even in a world determined to make you invisible. Invisible Generals recounts the lives of a father and his son who always maintained their belief in the American dream. As the inheritor of their legacy, Melville retraces their steps, advocates for them to receive their long-overdue honors and unlocks the potential we all hold to retrieve powerful family stories lost to the past" --




Black Privilege Publishing, Atria


9781668005132, 1668005131, 9781668005156

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