
U.S. Democracy in Danger: The American Political System Under Assault

In: Springer Studies on Populism, Identity Politics and Social Justice



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Part 1: Introduction - the American Democracy -- Chapter 1. Donald Trump, Authoritarian Populism, and the Struggle to Save Democracy -- Chapter 2. American Presidency, Interpreting Donald Trump and His Uneasy 'lies' -- Part 2: Unmasking the Presidency -- Chapter 3. The Tenets of Trumpism and the Assault on American and Global Democracy -- Chapter 4. Trump, and Other Nationalist and Populist Leaders: Between Charisma and Trickery -- Chapter 5. The Agitator Supplies What the Base Demands: Trumpism Before and After Trump -- Chapter 6. The Post-election Republican Effort to Overturn the 2020 Election Results: Background and Context -- Chapter 7. Insurrection, Ressentiment and a Failed Coup: the Capitol Attack and Its Aftermath -- Part 3: Trump's Diplomatic Learning Curve and the American Evangelicals -- Chapter 8. From "Nipple" to "Nambia" and Everything in-between: Donald Trump's Mental Maps and the Unraveling of the Liberal World (Dis)order -- Chapter 9. Trump and the Performance of "the Other", and Stigmatization -- Chapter 10. Why Evangelical Christian Women Voted for Trump: a Crisis of Conscience and Moral Integrity – the Cognitive Dissonance -- Part 4: How Media Coverage, Rhetoric and the "Fringe" Created the President -- Chapter 11. Trump's Misogyny Widens Cultural Cracks in U.S. Democracy -- Chapter 12. Trump's Rhetorical Way to Presidency -- Chapter 13. How Donald Trump Used Wittgenstein's 'language Games' as a Communicative Strategy for Connecting 'the Leader' and 'his People' -- Part 5: 'a President of the People or a President of His People'? -- Chapter 14. A Legacy of Harm: Violence Against Women and the Trump Administration -- Chapter 15. Lessons Learned of Black Lives Matter in the Age of Trump -- Part 6: Democracy, and the Surge of Populist Nationalism -- Chapter 16. Messianic and Autocratic Populisms' Waves in the Recent History of the Americas: "Global Trumpism", Continuities, Twists and Rupture -- Chapter 17. Donald J. Trump in the Whirlwind of Populism and Globalization -- Part 7: That's Not in My American History Book -- Chapter 18. Authority Shift in a Post-truth World -- Part 8: 'the Unconstrained Presidency': Alt-news and Post-truths -- Chapter 19. American Presidency, Political Lies and Lying in Politics: A Paradigm of Bush and Trump Administrations -- Chapter 20. Neo-liberal Populism and Democracy Under Siege: Some Thoughts on Trump(ISM) -- Chapter 21. Is the President a King? the Unitary Executive Theory and the Presidency of Donald J. Trump -- Part 9: A Tale of Two Paradigms: Politics and Epidemics -- Chapter 22. Assessing Trump Administration's National Security Strategy in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic: the Case for a "Common" and "Cooperative" Security Approach -- Chapter 23. Une Saison en Enfer: A Political Epidemic in Trump's Amerika -- Part 10: So Divided We Can't Think Straight -- Chapter 24. Donald J. Trump's Politics: a Mix of European Populism and Athenian Democracy -- Part 11: Same World, Different Planet (Epilogue) -- Chapter 25. Populism- the Way to Unfreedom: White Supremacy, Patriarchy and Other Forms of Dominant Ideologies.

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