Handbook of critical environmental politics: edited by Luigi Pellizzoni, Emanuele Leonardi, Viviana Asara
In: Elgar handbooks in energy, the environment and climate change
This timely Handbook offers a comprehensive outlook on global environmental politics, providing readers with an up-to-date view of a field of ever-increasing academic and public significance. Its critical perspective interrogates what is taken for granted in current institutions and social and power relations, highlighting the issues preventing meaningful change in the relationship between human societies and their biophysical underpinnings. Featuring contributions from over 60 established and emerging international scholars, the Handbook is organized into six thematic sections. It addresses theoretical approaches, contested notions, key issues, governance processes, mobilizations and emergent directions of inquiry, presenting a vital contemporary analysis of the major social science and political ecology debates over environmental questions. Scholars and students in the social sciences, in particular those studying politics and public policy, with an interest in the environment and climate change will find this Handbook to be essential reading. It will also be useful to academics in other disciplines related to ecology and environmental politics, as well as politicians and practitioners involved in green transition policies