
Non-Democratic Legitimacy During the Arab Spring: Defending Dictatorship

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This book analyzes non-democratic legitimacy during the Arab Spring. During this historic event, monarchs and presidents were forced to defend their rule, whether through Islam, the cultural image of paternalism or the cash flow of welfare. Can Arab leaders still justify apolitical reigns? Are monarchies more respected than republicans or are they too under threat? The author traces the history of apolitical rule in the Arab world, from Islamic roots to the role of Arab leaders in merging religion with socio-economic benefits and cosmetic liberalization. Finally, analysis of speeches given by leaders of Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan and Bahrain in response to the Arab Spring are considered. When protesters took to the streets with their slogans, the regimes talked back. This work discusses the weight of their words and why some leaders survived unrest while others were overthrown. To engage with the author and book further, you can find their presentation discussing their experience publishing with Palgrave Macmillan here: https://youtu.be/NfKETFx4sok; and their presentation discussing the book itself here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJU6_3M3xyo

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Non-Democratic Legitimacy During the Arab Spring: Defending Dictatorship

In: Springer eBook Collection



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Non-Democratic Legitimacy During the Arab Spring: Defending Dictatorship



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