
Social media monetization: platforms, strategic models and critical success factors

In: Future of business and finance



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Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- About the Authors -- Part I: An Introduction to Social Media Monetization -- 1: Introduction -- 1.1 The Business Value of Social Media -- 1.2 Challenges and Problems that Firms Need to Consider in Social Media Monetization -- 1.3 The Importance and Necessity of Studying Social Media Monetization -- References -- Part II: A Strategic Framework for Social Media Monetization -- 2: How Companies Can Exploit the Commercial Value of Social Media Through Advertising -- 2.1 Social Media Advertising: What It Is and Why It Is Important -- 2.2 Push-Based Social Advertising -- 2.3 Pull-Based Social Advertising -- 2.4 A Combined Use of Push- and Pull-Based Social Advertising -- References -- 3: How Companies Can Use Social Media for Social Selling -- 3.1 Social Selling: What It Is and Why It Is Important -- 3.2 Critical Success Factors of Social Selling -- 3.3 Key Activities in Social Selling: How to Convert ``Social´´ into ``Sales´´ -- 3.3.1 Social Media Lead Generation -- 3.3.2 Managing Customer-Related Social Media Data and Information -- 3.3.3 ``Friending´´ and Networking Customers -- 3.3.4 Achieving Sales -- References -- 4: How Social Media Profits from Advertising and Social Commerce -- 4.1 Advertising as a Major Revenue Source for Social Media -- 4.2 Social Commerce and the Online Marketplace -- 4.3 Digital Business Solutions -- 4.4 Livestreaming -- References -- Untitled -- 5: How Social Media Can Monetize by Offering Premium Service or Content -- 5.1 Premium Service -- 5.2 Ad-Free as a Premium Feature -- 5.3 Premium Social Media Content -- 5.4 Premium Digital Items or User Privileges -- 5.5 Managing Multiple Monetization Models -- 5.6 Social Media Platforms Monetizing via Premium Service or Content -- References -- Part III: Know-how for Companies to Monetize Social Media -- 6: Monetization Process for Companies.

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